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How should I approach investors in the United States?

Choose whom you pitch to very wisely. Before investing in any startups, investors do in-depth research about your business and your team to understand if they are making a smart choice in investing in your startup. You should do the same. Understanding how investors tick, what they like to see in a startup, and what not will give you a clear advantage to get funding. However, you should go even deeper than that.

When profiling your investors, it is worth noting the following things: 

  • Geolocalization: Try to find investors within a two-hour flight from your Venture.
  • Niche: Find an investor that typically invests (or has in-depth knowledge) in your niche.
  • Growth Potential: Investors primarily focus on startups that are already generating revenue and have a strong potential for growth or on those who have a clear competitive advantage and a promising future
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