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How do I know which stage my startup is at?

Below gives a quick summary using the various stages of the startup that align with they sit in the funding process to help you understand where your startup is in its journey


  1. Ideation & Prototype - Friends and Family (You have an idea that you think you have an unfair advantage to pull off)
  2. Confirmation - Angel (Maybe a few sales)
  3. Creation - Seed (Minimum Viable Product)
  4. Validation - Series A (Your MVP is generating sales)
  5. Repeatability - Series B (Proof there is a large market for your product/service)
  6. Scalability - C (Prove the business logistics can scale to serve this large market)
  7. Profitability - Mezzanine (Its time to search for new product development or new product to drive next growth) 
  8. Predictability - IPO (Prove it works every time so everyone will want to invest)

You should start to ask yourselves the following questions:

  • Do you talk about your idea & writing a business plan? You probably won’t get funding for your startup at this stage. 
  • Do you talk about building a prototype? - You’re pre-funding but can maybe get seed/angel funding. 
  • Do you have the funding necessary to launch? Great! Do it :P Most investors will pass when you’re right about to launch.  
  • Do you have the funding necessary for traction? If you already have some traction but need more, then you should be able to get Angel/Seed funding.
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