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What is the lean startup methodology and how can I use it?

The Lean Canvas Model is Ash Maurya’s adaptation to the original Business Model Canvas, first introduced by Alex Osterwalder. According to him, it’s “a one-page business planning tool that gets read.”

Maurya’s Lean Canvas solution is to break down your startups’ fundamental whys into a one-page template that can be used for any business type and be read in under 20 minutes. It packs everything you need - and possibly more - in a template that’s easy to read, fill, and update. 

There are nine categories or blocks in the Lean Canvas Model Framework. Each needs to be filled out following this particular order:

According to Ash Maurya, arranging the information in this fashion allows you to test each category of your business model, starting from the highest to lowest risk. Also, note that by starting with the Problem category, the Lean Canvas Model gives your business model a customer problem-focus approach, which allows you to build more effective solutions for your customers’ pain points.

We have also prepared a template to help you get started. Simply make a copy of the file and you are on your way.

Check out our blog to learn more about how you can fill your lean canvas model.

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