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What are the advantages of international expansion?

If you’re thinking about going global with your company, first you need to know if you’re actually ready to expand. A good starting point is to understand the advantages to see if it’s a step worth taking. Here are a handful that we believe are the most important

Establish New Revenue Streams

New markets mean a new customer base, and with new customers come more revenue streams. Going global allows your business to cater to a different customer base with other wants and needs. So, if your international market analysis is correct, you should be filling a demand not yet too exploited.

Access a Unique Talent Pool

Expanding to a new territory opens the door to accessing local, high-quality talent that your company may not count on thus far. Embedding your business in a new culture means hiring local talent to help you navigate the challenges more smoothly.

Improve Market Perception 

Few things are so important nowadays as establishing a substantial presence for your brand. Credibility is a crucial factor here, and going global helps you achieve that goal. Customers see that you really mean business and that you’re thriving, thus increasing your brand’s credibility.

Stay ahead of local competitors

When you establish your business in a country, you need to find a way to gain a competitive advantage. Going international helps you do just that. Although you will most likely find some sort of competition abroad (direct or indirect), you are still gaining a competitive edge over your local competition.

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